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不管菠菜导航网的颜色是什么, background, 或邮政编码, our vote gives us a say in the decisions that affect our lives.
the sun sets behind a 年轻的 Black girl in a field with an American flag blowing in the wind
Published: December 2, 2021
This issue explainer originally appeared on 恩颐投资.org

国会通过了 投票权 Act in 1965 to fight attempts to discriminate against voters, but today a faction of elected representatives refuses to pass laws to protect our freedom to vote. 某些U.S. 最高法院 decisions in recent years have done more harm than good.

Many states are silencing the voices of Black, 棕色(的), 土著, 年轻的, 上了年纪的, 残疾选民.

Congress must pass laws to ensure that every American can safely and freely cast their ballot, building on our legacy of expanding access to voting and welcoming all voices.

斯泰西艾布拉姆斯 headshot
“Voter suppression directly impacts the issues most vital to the health and welfare of our nation’s children, such as public education, 卫生保健, and affordable housing.”
引用: 斯泰西艾布拉姆斯, Founder, Fair Fight


Broadening and expanding access to the vote is entrenched in America’s history.

Establishing nationwide protections

总统ident Johnson signs the 投票权 Act of 1965 to prohibit discrimination in voting by providing nationwide protections for voting rights.

投票权 Act is Extended

Congress overwhelmingly passes an extension of the 投票权 Act by 64-12 in the Senate, 众议院以224票对183票通过. 总统ident Nixon signs it into law.

Second Reauthorization

的 second reauthorization of the 投票权 Act passes 77-12 in the Senate, 341-70 in the House. 总统ident Ford signs it into law.

总统. Reagan Signs Third Exention

的 25-year extension of the 投票权 Act passes 85-8 in the Senate, 389-24 in the House. 总统ident Reagan signs it into law.

Fourth Reauthorization Overwhelmingly Passes

的 fourth reauthorization, 房利美·卢·哈默, 罗莎·帕克斯, and Coretta Scott King 投票权 Act Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006, passes 98-0 in the Senate, 众议院以390票对33票通过. 总统. 乔治•布什(George W. Bush signs it into law.

最高法院 Weakens Protections

美国.S. 最高法院 ruling in 谢尔比县诉. 持有人 sweeps away a key provision of the 投票权 Act of 1965 that prevented states with a history of voter discrimination from changing their voting laws and practices without preclearance by federal officials.

投票权 Endangered

美国.S. 最高法院 ruling in Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee makes it more difficult to challenge discriminatory voting laws passed by states. Legislatures in many states pass laws making it harder to vote using a range of tactics, including imposing harsher ID requirements and shortening the time for mail-in ballots.

Speak Up For Students and Public Schools

When we act together and lift our voices together in unison, we can improve the lives of children.
Members march down the street wearing red and carrying signs.

Together we're stronger. 菠菜导航网一起倾听.

You belong in the movement! Join today to belong to the movement of educators and school staff fighting for the pay and working conditions we all deserve.

Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education

的 Oregon Education Association (OEA) is a union committed to the cause of providing the basic right of great public education to every student. OEA represents about 41,000 educators working in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 public schools and community colleges. OEA’s membership includes licensed teachers and specialists, classified/education support professionals (ESPs), community college faculty, 退休教师, 学生成员. OEA members also belong to the 3.2 million members of the National Education Association (恩颐投资).